Lola Kenya Screen has released the lineup of films to be shown during its 11th annual media and arts festival in Nairobi.
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Ogova Ondego, the creative director of the Nairobi-based Lola Kenya Screen movie platform for children and youth in eastern Africa, says the films were selected from more than 670 movies submitted for consideration from all over the world.
The themes of the selected work range from environmental conservation, human rights, forced migration, celebration of mothers and grandparents, the importance of the arts (music, sculpture, storytelling, movies, circus) to adventure and friendship.
“Short and full length fictional and documentary work, animation and experimental movies are all in our film programme,’ Ondego says.”Films from 10-, 12- 14- and 15-year-old directors from Spain, Tanzania and Kenya are also in the selection.”
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India has dislodged Spain, Poland, The Netherlands and Germany as the nations with the highest number of films in a Lola Kenya Screen festival.
Also of note is the fact that for the first time in the history of Lola Kenya Screen, fewer films shall be screened and discussed during the festival that is scheduled for December 5-10, 2016.Among the films selected are:
- THE KITE WITHOUT WIND by Salem Salavati, Iran
- ADAPTATION by Bartosz Kruhlik, Poland
- MOUSSE by John Hellberg, Sweden
- 2 PENKUTTIKAL/Two Girls by Jeo Baby, India
- QUERIDA MAE/Dear Mother by Paulo Carneiro, Portugal
- GAURU/Journey of Courage by Ramkishan Nandram Choyal, India
- LE DRAGON ET LA MUSIQUE/The Musical Dragon by Camille Muller, Switzerland
- PRATHIMAA/The Image by Shivanandam N, India
- BLANKA by Kohki Hasei, Italy/Japan/The Philippines
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- LA ULTIMA BATALLA/The Last Battle by Leo Humphreys and Mencia Flores, Spain
- HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY by Anjuli Shukla, India
- KIMA’S LODE BEYOND THE CLASS by Zuala Chhangte, India
CHILDREN OF RHYTHM by Ramachandran K, India
- PAPPU KI PUGDANDI Drama by Seema Desai, India
- RECONNECT by Lola Parrilla, Spain
- HOW TO WIN AT CHECKERS (EVERY TIME) by Josh Kim, Thailand/Hong Kong/USA/Indonesia
- OPOWIESCI DZIADKOW/The Tales of Grandparents by JoanNa Polak and Daria Kopiec, Poland
- KANAVU VARIYAM/Dream Factory by Arun Chidambaram, India
- PARADISE TRIPS by Raf Reyntjens, Belgium/The Netherlands
- CIRCUS DEBERE BERHAN by Lukas Berger, Germany
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