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How to Develop African Animated TV Series for Global Distribution

By Iminza Keboge
Published October 19, 2017

Zambian creator Malenga Mulendema and her Cameroon-born character designer, Malcolm Wope, will discuss Mama K’s Super 4 as one of four case studies of projects generating international interest from Africa.Animators and storytellers across Africa are set to hear first-hand what it takes to develop African TV series for worldwide distribution.

During a webinar streamed on YouTube Live, Triggerfish Animation Studios of South Africa shall on November 4, 2017 share insights from two years of developing TV series through The Story Lab that, to date, has led to two worldwide distribution deals for series set and made in Africa.

“If you have ever thought about bringing your own characters to life as an animated TV series, this webinar is for you,” says Stuart Forrest, Chief Executive Officer of Triggerfish that ran a search for animation writers throughout the African continent in 2015 that attracted 1378 projects from 30 countries across Africa, with eight chosen to be taken into full development.

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At the webinar, Triggerfish will discuss what made those eight projects stand out and also share some of the feedback they’ve received from international distributors.

Triggerfish has in September 2017 announced its partnership with leading children’s entertainment specialist, CAKE, to co-produce Mama K’s Super 4, one of its comedy action series.

Aimed at 6-11-year olds, Mama K’s Super 4 is set in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, where four teenage girls are recruited by former secret agent Mama K to help her save the world.Aimed at 6-11-year olds, Mama K’s Super 4 is set in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, where four teenage girls are recruited by former secret agent Mama K to help her save the world. Fighting rich and powerful opponents with limited resources means the girls will have to be smart and resourceful in a show in which taking down the bad guys and turning in your homework is all in a day’s work!

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At the webinar, Zambian creator Malenga Mulendema and her Cameroon-born character designer, Malcolm Wope, will discuss Mama K’s Super 4 as one of four case studies of projects generating international interest from Africa.

Character from Wilfred Ngugi's JOEL'S WORLD movie.Vanessa Sinden, who produced the Story Lab, will also give some highly practical tips on how to get your concept into a pitch document that can be shown to distributors.

Also speaking in the webinar in which delegates will pose questions via Facebook and Twitter shall be award-winning Kenyan filmmaker (and Story Lab alumni) Wanuri Kahiu; Raffaella Delle Donne, co-writer of two of South Africa’s five highest-grossing films of all-time, Adventures in Zambezia and Khumba; Triggerfish CEO Stuart Forrest; and the founders of two other South African animation companies: Bugbox and Sanusi Chronicles.

Participants are requested to register for the free webinar at


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