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Malaysia Hosts 7th World Summit on Media for Children

7th World Summit on Media for ChildrenMore than 2 000 experts on media for children—content creators, broadcasters, educators, policy makers, digital media creators—from all over the world shall gather in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for the 7th World Summit on Media for Children (7WSMC) September 8-10, 2014.

lola kenya screen festivaliersOrganised by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) and the World Summit on Media for Children Foundation and hosted by Radio Television Malaysia (RTM), the aim of 7WSMC shall be to achieve a greater understanding of developments in children’s media around the world and to raise the status of children’s programming and draw to the attention of key people in production and distribution the importance of issues relating to children and young people. The Summit will culminate with a Charter of Guiding Principles for children’s media and assist in providing opportunities for quality children’s programming in the future.

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The Summit will provide unique opportunities for networking, debates and workshops on content creation. It will celebrate children’s creativity and development through media and will focus on quality content and the role and meaning of education in a globalised modern media environment.

It will also be a chance for media professionals to see how children see the media, use technologies and envisage their future.

The theme of 7WSMC is Media for 21st Century Children.

A article.


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