By Iminza Keboge
Published October 16, 2021
Would you like to have fun as you study film analysis on your smartphone, tablet or computer?
You are in luck because Ciclic Centre-Val de Loire of France is presenting its online film analysis course in English on your device!
Hosted on its UPOPI (Université Populaire des images – the People’s University for images) website, this open-access course is designed for any one–ranging from but not limited to cinema lovers, teachers, media educators, students, researchers–wishing to engage in film analysis.
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The site is based on a course by Laurence Moinereau and has:
- 11 sessions
- 53 subjects
- 158 exercises
- 209 videos.
The course, that provides Definitions, Case Studies and Exercises, not only promises you fun but also the freedom to advance to the next stage at your own pace or speed while learning the notions and vocabulary of film analysis which is broken down into four themes:
- Image
- Shot
- Editing
- Sound.
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The course, Ciclic Centre-Val de Loire says, features filmmakers like Alfred Hitchcock, François Truffaut, Luis Buñuel, Sergio Leone, Stanley Kubrick, Steven
Spielberg, Jason Bourne and Terminator.
“Drawing on excepts of some of the greatest films in the history of cinema, the key notions of film vocabulary will no longer hold any secrets for you,” David Simon, Head of the Education Department at Ciclic Centre-Val de Loire, says.
The site is produced with the support of the Région Centre-Val de Loire, the Drac Centre-Val de Loire and CNC in collaboration with Rectorat de l’Académie Orléans-Tours.
Detailed information about this online course is available on website.
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