By Moses Siku
I first heard of Annette Tony Hansen on a documentary about children television on BBC and never in my wildest dream did I think I would meet her. That’s what my experience at the TV drama workshop was, a dream come true.
Lola Kenya Screen gave me the opportunity to learn from some of the finest filmmakers in the world who include David Kinsella whose film won the 14-Plus Award for the second best youth film prize at the Lola Kenya Screen 2009 competition.
It was also at the Lola Kenya Screen TV Drama for Children and Youth workshop that I finally got to use a camera which I had only heard mentioned in my college classes. Thanks to Lola Kenya Screen Director Ogova Ondego and the crew at the workshop.
A community college in my area recently built a se-vnestory building for health sciences education (various nursing courses, pharmacy training, et cetera). It cost $50 million Canadian. Spending $242 million US for a high school is beyond absurd.